Accredited Online Bachelor Degree Programs

An accredited online bachelor's degree is equivalent to a bachelor's degree earned from a traditional, on-campus program. By capitalizing on the latest distance-learning technologies, you'll have the option to receive a quality education without the hassle of overcrowded classrooms and uncomfortable desks. Accredited online colleges also allow for greater flexibility —letting you schedule classes when your life permits and pass on the hassle of commuting to class and getting there on time. You’ll also be able to work at your own pace, rather than having a professor or other students in the class set the pace.

An online bachelor's degree not only signifies academic dedication, it also equips you with the professional skills necessary to enter the work field. Your degree will allow you to start working at entry level and readily advance. Those with bachelor's degrees also qualify for higher wages; according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary for a bachelor's degree holder is $140 more per week than those with associate's degrees and $350 more per week than those without a college education.

Most bachelor's degrees are either a B.A.(bachelor of arts) or a B.S. (bachelor of science). Bachelor of Arts degrees include studies in social sciences, humanities, music, and the arts whereas science degrees require coursework in biology, engineering, physics, and applied math. Some online schools lead the way in offering undergraduate degrees in business administration (BBA Degree). An online bachelor's degree speaks of academic dedication and professional initiative. Most bachelor's programs will allow students to transfer up to half of the required credits from a previously earned online associates degree or community college program. Graduates with a bachelor's degree can also continue their education by completing an online masters degree program.

View the online bachelor's degree programs listed below or find an accredited school that best meets your needs through our easy 4-step search process located on the right.

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