Accredited Online Bachelor Degree Programs

An accredited online bachelor's degree is equivalent to a bachelor's degree earned from a traditional, on-campus program. By capitalizing on the latest distance-learning technologies, you'll have the option to receive a quality education without the hassle of overcrowded classrooms and uncomfortable desks. Accredited online colleges also allow for greater flexibility —letting you schedule classes when your life permits and pass on the hassle of commuting to class and getting there on time. You’ll also be able to work at your own pace, rather than having a professor or other students in the class set the pace.

An online bachelor's degree not only signifies academic dedication, it also equips you with the professional skills necessary to enter the work field. Your degree will allow you to start working at entry level and readily advance. Those with bachelor's degrees also qualify for higher wages; according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary for a bachelor's degree holder is $140 more per week than those with associate's degrees and $350 more per week than those without a college education.

Most bachelor's degrees are either a B.A.(bachelor of arts) or a B.S. (bachelor of science). Bachelor of Arts degrees include studies in social sciences, humanities, music, and the arts whereas science degrees require coursework in biology, engineering, physics, and applied math. Some online schools lead the way in offering undergraduate degrees in business administration (BBA Degree). An online bachelor's degree speaks of academic dedication and professional initiative. Most bachelor's programs will allow students to transfer up to half of the required credits from a previously earned online associates degree or community college program. Graduates with a bachelor's degree can also continue their education by completing an online masters degree program.

View the online bachelor's degree programs listed below or find an accredited school that best meets your needs through our easy 4-step search process located on the right.

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Earn a degree from an accredited university.

When you earn your degree from DeVry University, you're backed by a school with over 80 years of experience in providing technology- and business-based higher education, and you can enter a competitive job market by earning a degree from an accredited university. DeVry University's hands-on degree programs and flexible distance learning options provide the skills and convenience you want. Our reputation and accredited university status provide the recognition and credentials you need. It's all at DeVry University.

In the United States, current or prospective students may review information regarding accreditation, approvals, and licensing by contacting the chief location administrator.
Institutional Accreditation - Accredited University

DeVry University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission and is a member of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (HLC/NCA), The University's Keller Graduate School of Management is included in this accreditation.

The HLC is one of six regional agencies that accredit U.S. colleges and universities at the institutional level; is recognized by both the U.S. Department of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation; and accredits approximately one-third of U.S. regionally accredited public and private institutions. Accreditation provides assurance to the public and to prospective students that standards of quality have been met.

DeVry University is a member of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation, a national advocate and institutional voice for self-regulation of academic quality through accreditation. CHEA, an association of 3,000 degree-granting colleges and universities, recognizes 60 institutional and programmatic accrediting organizations.
Programmatic Accreditation and Recognition at an Accredited University

In addition to DeVry's status as an accredited university, some programs are also accredited.

The following programs, at the following locations, are accredited by the Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET (TAC of ABET),

Baccalaureate Biomedical Engineering Technology: Addison/Tinley Park, Chicago, Columbus, Decatur, Federal Way, Ft. Washington, Irving, Kansas City, Midtown Manhattan, North Brunswick, Northern California (Fremont), Orlando, Phoenix, Southern California (Pomona), South Florida (Miramar)
Baccalaureate Computer Engineering Technology: Addison/Tinley Park, Arlington, Chicago, Columbus, Decatur/Alpharetta, Federal Way, Ft. Washington, Houston, Irving, Kansas City, Midtown Manhattan, Northern California (Fremont), Orlando, Phoenix, South Florida (Miramar), Southern California (Long Beach, Pomona, Sherman Oaks), Westminster
Baccalaureate Electronics Engineering Technology: Addison/Tinley Park, Arlington, Chicago, Columbus, Decatur/Alpharetta, Federal Way, Ft. Washington, Houston, Irving, Kansas City, Midtown Manhattan, New Jersey (North Brunswick Paramus), Northern California (Fremont, Sacramento), Orlando, Phoenix, South Florida (Miramar), Southern California (Long Beach, Pomona, Sherman Oaks), Westminster

TAC of ABET requires separate review of each engineering technology program both online and at each physical location. The Engineering Technology - Computers, as well as the Engineering Technology - Electronics, programs are offered online only and are currently not accredited by TAC of ABET. DeVry will seek accreditation for these programs as soon as appropriate, in accordance with TAC of ABET procedures. Future accreditation is not guaranteed. The CET and EET programs at DeVry Calgary are not eligible for this accreditation.

The most recent information on TAC of ABET accreditation is available at each location and at

The following programs, at the following locations, are accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIIM),
Associate Health Information Technology: Online, Chicago, Columbus, Decatur, Ft. Washington, Houston, Irving, North Brunswick, Pomona
Technical Management with Health Information Management Specialty: Online

CAHIIM requires separate review of each eligible program both online and at each physical location; evaluation for accreditation may not be requested until the program at that location is fully operational and future accreditation is not guaranteed. The most recent information on CAHIIM accreditation of a location's HIT program, or of the BSTM program with a technical specialty in Health Information Management, is available from the location and at

DeVry University's Business Administration program, when completed with a project management major/concentration, is accredited by the Project Management Institute's Global Accreditation Center, as is the Technical Management program, when completed with a project management technical specialty. More information on this accreditation is available via

The Society for Human Resource Management has acknowledged that the following programs fully align with SHRMs HR Curriculum Guidebook and Templates: Business Administration, with human resource management major/concentration; Management, with human resource management concentration; Technical Management, with human resource management technical specialty. More information about SHRM is available via

The Baccalaureate Clinical Laboratory Science program, offered at DeVry University's Phoenix campus, is accredited by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS), 5600 N. River Road, Suite 720, Rosemont, IL 60018, 773-714-8880,

The Neurodiagnostic Technology program at the North Brunswick campus is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) upon the recommendation of the Committee on Accreditation for Education in Neurodiagnostic Technology. (CAAHEP, 1361 Park St., Clearwater, FL 33756, 727.210.2350,

Note: In New York State, DeVry University operates as DeVry College of New York. DeVry University operates as DeVry Institute of Technology in Calgary, Alberta. Information on accreditation in Calgary is available via

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